Interactive Webinar Scheduling

Thank you for requesting an invitation to an interactive webinar.

Your invitation should arrive by email shortly. 

Please use the link in the email, or use this link to schedule your interactive webinar.  

Best regards, 

Interlock Health Marketing


What Others Are Saying

“Health care should have done this years ago.

Medical professionals should all be starting on the same page…


MaryKay S

Registered Nurse, Major Academic Center

Since pharmacies accept many price plans,  Interlock Health helps patients find the best price plan.

And if the prescription is written using the Interlock Health application, it can all happen automatically for the patient.

Kerry C

Registered Nurse, Major Academic Center

“Cross continuum care – Interlock Health invented the concept!  They created a secured medication list that works across the continuum of care – and I can prescribe directly to it.

Using it gives me the feeling I’m providing the best care available.”


David Z, MD

Emergency Physician, Major Academic Center